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Please tell us about your comfort gut success!
The horses Comfort Gut has helped...

Haylage Related Problems

Amy Martin
Bella is a 11yo ISH, when we bought her she was out of shape, but as we changed her to good haylage and a good meal regime and she became upset and we had a very dirty stable.

We were recommended comfort gut and within a few feeds I noticed such a difference. Solid bowel movements and her stomach is no longer bloated and upset. She is now content and very happy. A must for any yard.
I have a 6yo tb mare. she raced last year and I have her now to event and had to stop riding her as she looked so poor. I haf her teeth done she was wormed and getting ad lib haylage three meals a day with yopline cubes barely chaff and beet pulp and she wasnt improving..

She was grumpy all the time a month after using comfort gut she is a different horse and out competing. People cannot believe the difference in her ability attitude and condotion. Thank you :-)
Kerry Saunders
Charlie came in after winter and had a very poor coat and lost condition, his stomach rumbled frequently, even though he is fed 3 or 4 times a day and constant hay, we tried every feed and had no luck, i have had him on comfort gut for just under 2 weeks now and have noticed a drastic change, his coat is shiny, he is putting on weight, his stomach has settled down and is a lot nicer to work with.

Definitely have noticed a massive difference after putting him on comfort gut. Have included a picture before and after using the product!
A big thanks from David
Thank you for bringing the comfort gut product to the market. My partner and I rescued a horse last year. She had been really badly treated. When we got her she was very scurry and not herself. She loved to get her haylage every day but due to the fact she was malnourished it never agreed with her. That was until we found 2, 5comfort gut.

Since we started feeding it she hasn't looked back shes a completely different horse. In April this year she gave birth to a lovely little Foal. They both now are fed 1 scoop of comfort gut each day. Thanks Again for this wonderful product .
Gillian Brennan
Just started using comfort gut after it was recommended by an equine dentist. I had put my mares problems down to her getting older and the richness of her haylage. We have been using comfort gut for nearly a month now and she is so much happier especially after eating.

Her tummy has stopped gargling and she is not as moody and best of all no more messy legs and tail!! Wish I had found out about this stuff sooner.

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